| Kvetkez 10 cikk | Elz 10 cikk |
Synanthedon scoliaeformis in Hungary |
Fazekas I. (2008): Occurrence of Synanthedon scoliaeformis (Borkhausen, 1789) in W Hungary (Microlepidoptera: Sesiidae). - Acta Naturalia Pannonica 3, Suppl. 2: 165-168.
The handbook of light trapping |
New book from Prof. Dr. L. Nowinszky, from Hungary
New book from Hungary |
L. Nowinszky (ed.): Light Trapping and the Moon. - Savaria Unversity Press, Hungary, 2008
New check-list of Hungarian Microlepidoptera (01.10.2008) |
Pastorlis G. (2008): The check-list of Microlepidoptera occurred in the territory of Hungary, No. 2. – Acta Naturalia Pannonica 3, Suppl. 2: 82–160.
New Pterophoridae species |
New Pterophoridae species from Mongolia and Asia Minor.
Ismeretlen Jordanita sp. - Unknown Jordanita sp. |
Acta nat. pannon. 3 (2): 3-4. (2008.06.16.)
Hrlevl - Newsletter
Eupithecia |
Egy krdses Eupithecia faj a Mecsekben:
Supplement 1:1-3. (21.04.2008) |
Biology and distributions of the Hungarian Aethes species, No. 1.
Kvetkez 10 cikk | Elz 10 cikk |
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